Welcome to Class Owen
Welcome to Class Owen.
The staff you will meet in our class are;
Miss Roach (Teacher) and Miss Smith (TA)/ Miss Sawyers (TA)
PPA Cover : Mrs Lindop (HLTA)
Here is some useful information;
Twitter-Follow us on Class Owen1
Home Readers
Children can bring their book bags and homework in on a Monday and they will be changed and given back out on a Tuesday.
We have a library loan box outside our classroom for you to take a book home to enjoy with your child. Change this as much as you like. Please sign in and out when you loan a book.
P.E will be on a Thursday. Children should come to school in their P.E kit.
Autumn 1- Myself-Myself 2024 MTP
attached our Parents Leaflet- Parent leaflet Autumn Term 1 2024
Autumn 2- Stories- MTP-Stories-2024
Please find attached our Parents Leaflet- Parent_leaflet_Autumn2-2024
Spring 1- Nursery Rhymes- Nursery-Rhyme-2025
Please find attached our Parents Leaflet – Parent Leaflet Spring 1 2025
Don’t forget to look at Development Matters below for what your child should be able to do. At the end of Reception, the government expect children to be at Early Learning Goals.
New Development Matters and ELG on one page per area
Baseline Assessment
The children will undertake a baseline assessment in the first couple of weeks of starting school. This will be conducted by a familiar adult on a one to one basis. This is a government requirement and all Early Years settings are required to complete this .
Useful links;
You may also find the links below useful to support your child’s learning at home:
Ideas to do at home for each area of learning –Guidance for activities to do at home-all areas
Maths- http://www.topmarks.co.uk
Printable resources- www.Twinkl.co.uk
Ideas book-Home Learning ideas TTS
RWI rhyme card to help with letter formation-Letter-formation-chart RWI
Rhyme game to play-Rhyme game
100 keywords to learn by sight-100 reception keywords
Word time words;
Set 2 Sounds and Words RWI Set 2 Sounds and Words
Shape name & properties mats-2d shape properties 3d shape properties
*To help with phonics knowledge please have a look at the links below*
RWI video _schedule_jan_2021 (1)
Red words (Tricky Words)
Useful Documents:
Home Learning Story – Please print out or ask us for one if you prefer and let us know what your child has been doing or enjoying at home. Home Learning Story
Our curriculum-Development Matters – DEVELOPMENT MATTER 2020