Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

SENCO – Laura Kildare contactable at school on 0151 477 8205 or at peterandpaul.de@Knowsley.gov.uk


Staff at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School aim to develop and improve upon the inclusive culture which is already well established within the school. We interpret ‘inclusion’ therefore in its widest sense, as a process whereby the school continually seeks to offer equal opportunities for participation and success to all its pupils, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, ability and attainment, behaviour or background. The philosophy of the school is that it caters for the needs of all the children attending Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School. We utilise our own resources and those of outside agencies. We believe in the rights of the child to receive the best education that we can give and one that best meets their needs. To this end it is necessary to work in partnership with both parents and child.

An SEND code of Practice has been introduced in September 2014, click on the links below for our school Policy and School and Knowsley Local offer


SEND local offer promotion briefing

Accessibility Plan Dec 2021 – 2024


Knowsley’s Local Offer directory is available on the website Knowsley Information Service https://www.knowsleyinfo.co.uk/. Within this site, information is provided on a range of local agencies, including education, health and social care.


Please find below the link to the Knowsley Local Offer;

Knowsley Local Offer

Family Information Service website link;


Pupils with Special Educational Needs

Staff at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School aim to develop and improve upon the inclusive culture which is already well established within the school. Our school SENDCo is Mrs Laura Kildare.

We interpret ‘inclusion’ therefore in its widest sense, as a process whereby the school continually seeks to offer equal opportunities for participation and success to all its pupils, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, ability and attainment, behaviour or background.

The philosophy of the school is that it caters for the needs of all the children attending Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School. We utilise our own resources and those of outside agencies. We believe in the rights of the child to receive the best education that we can give and one that best meets their needs. To this end it is necessary to work in partnership with both parents and child.

If a child has Special Educational Needs we will ensure the use of all our resources to help the child. We will also organise external resources to aid the child. Aims for Children with Special Educational needs

1. We aim to meet the needs of all children in the school.

2. We aim to ensure that all children receive a balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum.

3. That education to those identified as having Special Needs is delivered in the correct manner: Where possible children are taught in their usual groups.

4. The individual skills of the teachers are used to ensure access to the National Curriculum for all children.

5. A Partnership is formed between the parents, the teachers and the child to ensure a positive attitude to learning and a joint recognition of the child’s needs.

6.We aim to maintain the esteem of a child with Special Educational Needs.

“The school caters well for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders share detailed and appropriate information with teachers about pupils’ needs. Teachers use this information well to make sure that SEND pupils can access the curriculum. Experienced teaching assistants provide additional support for this group of pupils in lessons. This means that pupils with SEND do not fall behind.”   OFSTED DECEMBER 2019