
Welcome to Class Bamber!

Class Teacher: Mrs Alliston

PPA Cover: Mrs Mc Kenna
TAs in KS1: Mrs Lindop

Welcome to Class Bamber!


Our Curriculum

Our Class Timetable:


Homework and Spellings

Homework will be uploaded on Class Dojo on a Monday.
Maths and spellings will be given.
Spellings will be tested on Friday.

Home Readers

Home readers  will be collected  in to change on Thursday. They will be given back out on Friday!
Please ensure that the children understand the story and can read it with fluency and accuracy. Ask lots of questions to the children!


Our P.E day is Friday!
Children should come to school with their PE kit on. You can wear a tracksuit and trainers with your PE kit underneath. Please bring your PE pumps in a bag.


To help with phonics knowledge please have a look at the links below*

Read Write Inc sound order

Green words 1

Green words 2

Green words 3

Red words (Tricky words)


 Have a look at our Gallery to see what we’ve been up to!