
Welcome to Class Howard

Class teacher: Miss R Thompson
PPA cover: Mrs Strange
TA’s in class: Mrs Connor and Mrs Challis 



Children will be given their home readers on a Friday and should return then on Friday to be changed and given out the same day. Please listen to your child read, ask questions about the book and comment honestly on how you feel they have read.



Homework will be given out on a Friday and must be returned before or on the following Friday. Children should be practising their number bonds and timetables regularly.  I will also post homework on Class DoJo for anyone wishing to complete a electronic copy. 


Children will receive their spellings on a Friday and will be tested on the following Friday.


Learning Logs

During each half term the children will receive learning logs which will be completed against a given topic, a guide sheet will be provided to support at home.


PE will take place on a Wednesday. Children come to school in their full PE kit and can wear their school jumpers or cardigans and pants if they are cold. Please bring pumps if they are wearing trainers to school.
