Welcome to Class Fisher’s Gallery
(Please see our class Dojo page for daily updates.)
Fisher (Y6) Science
Year 6 making ‘blood’ using water, food colouring, Cheerios, marshmallows and pom poms. Each of these ingredients represented a component which makes up our blood.
Fisher (Y6) Science
Investigating how nutrients are absorbed by the body using Skittles and water.
Fisher (Y6) Science
Investigating how fossils are formed using clay as rock and shells as fossils.
Fisher Remembrance Day assembly (11.11.24)
Class Fisher marked Remembrance Day by putting together an assembly for the juniors. We explored the history of Remembrance Day, the importance of the poppy and how we remember today.
In English, we have been studying Friend or Foe by Michael Murpurgo. Today, Class Fisher began writing their own playscripts based on Chapter 6.
Hot-seating Mr Reynolds in English.
(Please refer to Class Dojo for videos of ‘People Who Inspire Us’ and ‘Wedding Ceremony’.)
Exploring friendship. We looked at Renoir’s painting of the luncheon and discussed how it depicts friendship. We then created our own paintings of friendship.
Half term, we have a dance teacher coming into school to teach Class Fisher.
(Please refer to Class Dojo for videos of the dance routines Class Fisher has learnt thus far.)
Prayer and Liturgy
Twitter feed is not available at the moment.