School Uniform


This is our school uniform. We believe it gives the school a smart unique identity, encouraging a positive attitude from the children. This positive attitude runs right through everything we ask of the children in school life.

The school uniform 

Click here to download a copy of the:

Compulsory School Uniform Standards and Expectations


Acceptable Shoes

Supplier of Uniform: Kids Kirkby, based in Kirkby Town Centre (0151 5389390) is the ONLY school uniform supplier we recommend.


  •  Pale blue short sleeved shirt
  • School tie (blue with yellow stripes) on string for KS1/FS, clips on for KS2
  • Royal blue cardigan/jumper (with school badge)
  • Grey skirt /Pinafore/ trousers
  • Royal Blue/white summer dress. (After Easter) or
  • Pale Blue Polo shirt (with school Badge) with skirt or trousers
  • P.E. Kit: White t-shirt (with school badge) with royal blue shorts/games skirt and black pumps
  • Plain Royal blue or plain grey socks or tights
  • Royal Blue Gold or White hair accessories only are allowed
  • P.E. bags can be obtained from school
  • Black shoes must be worn.

Black shoes must be worn, no trainers, boots, Vans, Converse, high heeled/platform shoes or jelly shoes allowed.

Marking Clothing / Insurance
All articles of clothing must be clearly marked with the child’s name. It is the responsibility of all parents/guardians to ensure that items of school clothing are covered by household insurance against loss and damage in school.

Children are allowed to wear one set of stud earrings (No hooped earrings) and a watch.  No i-watches allowed.

Rings, make up (including nail polish) and second sets of earrings are not permissible.

Normal hair styles are acceptable.

Children with long hair are to have it tied back.

Extreme hair styles are not permissible. We advise that boys who have their heads shaved do not have it any shorter than a number 3.

Whilst everyone in school tries very hard to ensure that all children’s property including clothing / uniform is kept safe and free from damage, we can accept no liability for any loss or damage,

Parents are advised to take out appropriate insurance to cover themselves against such eventualities.