Preparing  our children through love care and respect


Saints Peter and Paul is a school where we learn together to be the best that we can be through individuality and our gospel values like Jesus taught us.

Our Aims:

We seek to provide an education which enables each person to reach their true potential by:

  1. Planning and delivering enriched teaching and learning experiences, closely matched to children’s needs by assessing, monitoring and evaluating our provision.
  2. Delivering outstanding Religious Education through a well taught and resourced  Come and See programme
  3. Offering a range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities e.g. choir, guitar, football, multi-sports, netball and drama.
  4. Providing continuous professional development for staff both individually and collectively.
  5. Working with our governors as they support, challenge and guide our school.


Our culture and ethos are based on gospel values of love, care and respect, where individuality is encouraged and celebrated.  To achieve this, we will:

  1. Value the gifts, talents, successes and endeavours of everyone within our whole school community.
  2. Be positive role models who treat each other equally and fairly to work together for the good of all.
  3. Provide opportunities for the spiritual and moral development for our community e.g. quality Collective Worship, time for reflection and contemplation and Come and See for Yourself, code of conduct, rewards etc.


We aim to work in partnership with our families and Parish Community by:

  1. Welcoming all visitors warmly and sincerely
  2. Actively encouraging Home-school relationships in order that each child’s education is the best possible.
  3. Developing links with the Parish of Saints Peter and Paul and serving our local and wider community by promoting justice and fairness through raising awareness and supporting charities eg Cafod, Foodbank and Children in Need etc


In our school:

We will work together, try our best and live as Jesus taught us by showing love, care and respect.