Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School serves the Parish of Saints Peter and Paul. Our standard number of available places is 45 for admission in the Reception Classes.
This arrangement follows the consultation between the Governing body, The Archdiocese of Liverpool and the Local Authority.
The government has placed a statutory legal limit on Infant class sizes that these classes shall not contain more than 30 pupils for all ordinary teaching sessions. Therefore we have two Reception classes for the admitted 45 children.
In the event that there are more applications than places the Governing body will allocate places using their agreed criteria below;
ADMISSIONS TO THE SCHOOL will be determined by the Governing Body. Parents must complete a Local Authority Preference Form or apply online via the website
If you wish to have your application considered against that school’s faith/denomination criteria then you should ALSO complete the Supplementary Form which is available from the school or to download from the Local Authority website. All preferences listed will be considered on an equal basis and, where there are more applications than the number of places available, the following set of OVERSUBSCRIPTION CRITERIA will be applied.
Click the links below to the relevant admissions policy-
SSPP Admissions policy 2025 2026
Saints Peter and Paul 2026 – 2027 Admissions Policy
Please click here to see the Knowsley Council Web Site information about Appeal
In year school admission click here