
Hello and welcome to Class Clitherow!

Thanks for visiting our class webpage. I will keep this up to date with information that you will need for this school year.

Key information:

  • PE will take place on a Thursday morning – Y6 have Gymnastics this term but also have Swimming for two weeks in September.
  • Homework will be set on a Wednessday and will need to be returned on the Wednesday of the following week; it should be completed in pencil please if it is a paper copy. Spare sheets are kept in class.
  • Learning Logs will be set on a Wednesday. The children will have two weeks to complete their work and will need to bring it in the following Wednesday.
  • Spellings will be sent home and all children will have a spelling test every Wednesday. The pass mark will be set at 15/20.
  • Reading books should be brought into school on a daily basis and the reading record book needs to come in on a Friday. Books will be left in school over the weekend and re-issued on a Monday.
  • Mobile phones are allowed but only if your son or daughter has a signed consent form.
  • All pupils will be given log in and passwords for Mathletics, Times Table Rock Stars and Purple Mash. I strongly encourage all children to go online and try the activities.

Clitherow spellings Autumn 2021


Keep up to date with everything on our class twitter page: @ClassClitherow

Twitter feed is not available at the moment.