

Welcome to Class Fisher

“Educating our children through love, care and respect.”

Class Teachers

Mrs Guy (Mon – Wed) and Mrs Spittlehouse (Wed – Fri)

Teaching Support

Miss Fairfield (Mon – Fri)

Mrs Spinks (Wed – Fri)

    Mrs Coburn (Mon- Wed)


Homework will be put up on Class Dojo each Monday and collected in the following Monday. 

Extra/spare copies of homework are always available in class.

Learning Logs

Learning logs are set fortnightly.

The learning log  for this fortnight is: Spiders (linking in with our class text, Charlotte’s Web.



Spellings will be set for the half term and tested each Friday. 

Every fourth week, the children will be tested on the previous three weeks spellings (consolidation week).

Your child will be sent home with eight weeks worth of spellings.

Our next spelling test will take place on Friday .  See new list below.

Spellings for this half term will be uploaded below:

Spellings – Spring 1

If your child has their own individual spellings, please find a copy below:


Children will also be learning words for Year 3/4 set by the National Curriculum.  They will be tested on these once each term. 

Please find the list below.

KS2 Grammar Glossary



Home Readers

 Home Readers are changed weekly.  Please ensure that your child changes their book every Thursday. If your child is reading a lengthy text,  please return your book even if it is not finished – just make a note of the page/chapter you have read up to in the reading log.

To extend your child’s reading refer to –

User name – first name and surname with a space in the middle

Password – library1 (same for everyone)


Our P.E day is Thursday.

Children must have a full P.E kit which consists of a white t-shirt, blue shorts and P.E pumps. Please come to school wearing your P.E kit and school cardigan or jumper.



Curriculum Overview

Click on the link below to find out what your child will be learning about this half term.


Long Term Plan

Fisher LTP 23 24

Note to parents / carers:

By the end of year 4, pupils should have memorised their multiplication tables up to and including 12 x 12.

(National Curriculum, 2014)

Please encourage your child to use Mathletics and Times Table Rock Stars regularly. Usernames and passwords will be sent home with your child week beginning 11.09.23.

Additional multiplication homework will be given throughout each term.