
Welcome To Class Kirby

Class Teacher:

Year 6 – Mr  Brooks 

Teaching Assistants:

 Mrs Scotland and Mrs Peake

Class information


Homework is given out every Monday and is expected to be returned on or before the following Monday. Your child will receive  Maths homework as well as one piece of SPAG homework that will relate to what they have been learning that week in class.

Homework Club

Mr Brooks offers a Homework club for children who struggle with their homework or children who struggle to find the time at home to complete their Homework. This takes place every Monday evening between 3:15pm and 3:45pm.


As well as receiving homework on a Monday your child will also get spellings to learn which will be tested the following Friday. Please make sure your child learns their spellings each week.

Here is a copy of this terms spellings:

Class Kirby Spring 1 Spellings


Our PE day for this half term is Tuesday.  Please make sure that your child comes to school wearing their full PE kit (and tracksuit in colder weather) with their school pumps in a bag (if child is wearing trainers to school).

Learning Logs

Every two weeks, the children will receive a learning log which they will have two weeks to complete. Children are expected to complete two A4 pages in their learning logs and are encouraged to be as creative as possible. Good examples of learning logs will be posted on the class twitter page every few weeks. Learning logs will be peer assessed on the day that they are due in.

The previous learning log:

The Ancient Maya

Lets look at some of them:

Class Kirby 2023 – 24 Photo Gallery:

Class Kirby on twitter:

Don’t forget to follow our class twitter page for the latest updates:
