
Welcome to Class Adams

Spring Term

World Book Day

Celebrating Chinese New Year

Wear Your Scarf to School

Autumn Term

Christmas Activities

The First Christmas

Exploring our Outdoor Provision

Children in Need


Remembrance Day

Phonics Workshop with our Families

Learning through our Continuous Provision

Harvest Assembly

Thank you for your kind donations for our local food bank

Baking bread for Harvest- just like The Little Red Hen did in our story

Acting out a Baptism

Family Workshop

The children enjoyed a mask making workshop linked to story telling


Learning through our continuous provision

Autumn Walk

Maths Mastery Sessions

We focus on a new  number each week. We develop and deepen our understanding and knowledge of this number through all the different areas of continuous provision

Number 13

Number 12

Number 10


Number  9

Number 8

Number 7

Number 6

Number 5

Number 4

Number 3



Number 2

Stay and Play

The children had a great time during their Stay and Play session today.


Our First Day

The children were amazing on their first day in school. We are so proud of them.

Our First School Dinner

The children had their first dinner at school and they really enjoyed it.

































































Our First Day

The children were fantastic on their first day at school. We are very proud of them


































































































































Twitter feed is not available at the moment.