
Welcome to Maths at Saints Peter and Paul

Maths Lead Mr Brooks

NW3 Maths Hub
Primary Teaching for Mastery Specialist 
NCETM Professional Development Accredited Lead


Saints Peter and Paul Maths Long Term Plan 2024-25


Our Vision in Maths…

  • For all pupils to be competent and confidence in mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills.
  • To recall key mathematical facts fluently and apply across the whole maths curriculum.
  • For all pupils to use their knowledge to creatively analyse and tackle unfamiliar tasks and real-life problems.

Here at Saints Peter and Paul we are a Teaching for Mastery school when it comes to Maths. Our maths curriculum is developed to be fully inclusive for all the pupils we teach. The aim for our pupils is to develop curiosity and to think critically; challenging their individual thought processes and that of others. We want children to be be able to explain their reasoning and be perceptive in their questioning.

In each year group, children taught to be fluent in the fundamental workings of the number system as this feeds into all number-based work and wider problem-solving activities.

We follow the White Rose Maths Hub scheme to plan and teach mathematics and sequence these to meet the needs of the pupils we teach.  Our ambition is for children to be fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics to master the content they are taught; applying both mental and written methods where applicable.  Children will apply these fluency facts to a range of problems where they will show perseverance and demonstrate the ability to break problems down into simpler, smaller steps.

We are working closely with our local NCETM Maths hub (North West 3) to embed the teaching of mastery so that our pupils can develop deep and lasting understanding of mathematical procedures and concepts

NCETM Teaching for Mastery

Enquiry will be at the heart of maths lessons and children will be allowed to explore concepts using practical equipment. Lessons will enable children to move between concrete, pictorial and abstract approaches to content. Representations and Structures also allow pupils to make connections between learning with the aim being that can do the maths without the need for a visual representation. Key vocabulary, that is topic specific, develops pupils mathematical talk. This will be evident and at the forefront of dialogue within the classroom. Within lessons teachers will use variation to offer concepts in more than one way and to sequence learning over the course of a lesson or lessons, drawing attention to mathematical relationships.

The Five Big Ideas in Teaching for Mastery



At Saints Peter and Paul, the intent of our mathematics curriculum is to foster a deep and enduring understanding of mathematical concepts, enabling all pupils to become confident and competent mathematicians. We aim to cultivate a love of mathematics through engaging, challenging, and relevant experiences that encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Our curriculum is designed to ensure that all pupils:

  • Develop fluency in number and mathematical understanding, making connections between different areas of mathematics.
  • Engage in real-world problem-solving situations that inspire curiosity and promote mathematical reasoning.
  • Build resilience and confidence to tackle challenging mathematical tasks, encouraging a growth mindset.
  • Value the importance and application of mathematics within various contexts, including everyday life, future education, and careers.

We align our curriculum with the National Curriculum expectations while tailoring it to meet the diverse needs of our learners. This includes a focus on the mastery approach, ensuring that every pupil has the opportunity to deepen their understanding before moving on to new concepts.


To successfully implement our mathematics curriculum, we adopt the following strategies:

Structured Curriculum Framework:

We have developed a coherent scheme of work that aligns with the National Curriculum, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all mathematical domains, including number, shape, space, and measures, and statistics.

Mastery Approach:

With out close relationship with the local Maths Hub and the NCETM We adhere to a mastery approach to teaching, allowing pupils to explore concepts in depth. We introduce new topics through engaging and concrete experiences, moving to pictorial representations, and then abstract understanding. This ensures all pupils develop a robust understanding of mathematics.

NCETM Mastering Number programme:

In Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 4, and Year 5, we implement the Mastering Number programme through structured daily sessions lasting 15 minutes each. These sessions are designed to enhance fluency in mathematical concepts, ensuring that children develop a thorough understanding of numbers and operations. Through a variety of engaging activities and resources, students not only build confidence but also establish a strong foundation in Maths. This foundational knowledge is essential for mastering the basic skills needed in mathematics, paving the way for more complex concepts as they progress through their education. By consistently reinforcing these skills, we aim to equip our pupils with the confidence and competence necessary for future mathematical challenges.

Collaborative Learning:

We actively promote collaborative learning through paired and group work, enabling pupils to articulate their thought processes, share ideas, and learn from one another.

Continuous Assessment and Feedback:

Ongoing formative assessments inform our teaching, allowing us to tailor lessons to address gaps in understanding promptly. Feedback is constructive and timely, guiding pupils to reflect and improve their learning.

Professional Development:

Our staff participate in continuous professional development to ensure they are well-versed in current pedagogical approaches to mathematics teaching. Regular collaboration and sharing of best practices enhance the overall teaching quality within our school.


The impact of our mathematics curriculum is demonstrated through:

Pupil Outcomes:

The teaching for mastery approach profoundly influences pupils’ outcomes in Mathematics by promoting a deep understanding of concepts rather than superficial memorisation. By encouraging children to master key mathematical principles, this approach cultivates their ability to articulate their reasoning effectively, hence significantly enhancing their mathematical oracy. Furthermore, through collaborative problem-solving and discussion, students develop an expanded mathematical vocabulary, allowing them to engage more confidently in mathematical dialogue.

Engagement and Attitude:

Observations indicate high levels of engagement and a positive attitude towards mathematics. Pupils express confidence and enjoyment in their mathematical learning, often showcasing initiative and curiosity in solving problems.

Teacher Assessments:

Teachers report that pupils demonstrate secure understanding and application of mathematical concepts, with many able to articulate their reasoning and make connections across different areas of mathematics.

Positive School Environment:

A school culture that values mathematics is evident, where pupils celebrate their successes and view challenges as opportunities for growth. As teachers implement this approach, they feel increasingly empowered and confident in their pedagogical strategies. This heightened confidence translates to more dynamic and engaging classroom environments, ultimately leading to improved learning experiences and outcomes for pupils.


The Early Years Framework is structured very differently to the National Curriculum as it is organised across 7 areas of learning rather than subject areas. ‘Development Matters’ (new Early Years Curriculum 2020) develops a strong grounding in number within the National Curriculum. These skills start in our 2 year old provision, ‘Little Saints’, and are found within the areas: Mathematics, Communication and Language and Physical Development. Our youngest learners are encouraged and given many opportunities to explore number. Our teachers do this through play, games and singing. In Little Saints, we aim for children to realise that not only objects, but anything can be counted including steps, claps or jumps.

Nursery and Reception

We follow Development Matters in our Early Years but we enhance this with planning and training from high quality CPD delivered through the Maths Hub which is led by the Three Saints Academy Trust, ensuring that staff receive the latest and most effective insight into developing maths pedagogy.

Our new approaches to maths involve planning using a ‘number a week’ approach and includes 8 core ideas in mathematics (problem solving, sets, pattern, counting and comparison, number operations, number and composition, measures and geometry).   For example, when learning about the number ‘3’ we look at 3p, 3 0’clock, 3rd, triangle and triangular prism, measuring using 3 cm, making patterns using 3 different resources etc.   We link all areas of learning to our number of the week and provide opportunities indoors and outdoors to practice such skills.  We link activities to real life situations and encourage children to have resilience and develop their exploratory, active and critical thinking skills.

The children in EYFS are taught to explain their reasoning and test their own understanding from very early on.  We strive for our pupils to master mathematics so that they can represent a concept or skill in multiple ways, have the mathematical language to communicate related ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.

Our teachers ensure that mathematical skills are taught every day in reception and given a priority in our nursery and 2 year old room. These principles build a secure foundation in maths to support transition into teaching maths in Year 1.

Times Tables 

Children have access to Times Tables Rock Stars in school and at home. Times Table Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. In addition to this, Years 2 – 6 use NCETM multiplication booklets in class which have been carefully designed to ensure progression. This enables our children to make connections between facts, for example, our children will learn 2s, 4s and 8s which allows them to recognise patterns and use known facts such as doubles.

Long Term Multiplication Plan 2024-25

Saints Peter and Paul Calculation Policy 2024-25

Calculation policy 2024 All year groups

Calculation policy 2024 Year 1

Calculation policy 2024 Year 2

Calculation policy 2024 Year 3

Calculation policy 2024 Year 4

Calculation policy 2024 Year 5

Calculation policy 2024 Year 6

SEND Support In Maths