Chair of Governors – Mr Matty Pendergast
Vice Chair – Mrs Linda Mooney
Mrs Joanna Mousley (Headteacher)
Mrs Nichola Bavin (Staff Governor)
Ms Sarah Jane Carroll (Foundation Governor)
Mr Kevin Price (Elected Parent Governor)
Mr Terry Brady (Elected Parent Governor)
Conor O’Brien – Foundation Governor
Mrs Shelly Sisk – Foundation Governor
Stuart Clutton – Clerk To The Governing Body
A full meeting of the Governing Body is held once a term. Committees are established for the following areas and meet on agreed dates during the school year;
- Teaching and Learning
- Health and Safety, Resources and Personnel
- Admissions
- Headteacher’s Performance Management Review
Other committees for Pupil Discipline, Staff Discipline & Grievance, Appeals and Complaints are convened as required.
All governors can be contacted via the school address.