Welcome to Nursery
Mrs Foot(Teacher)
Mrs Radcliffe (TA)
Miss Gordon(T/A)
- Times of Nursery:
- Morning session: 8:30am-11:30 am
- Afternoon session: 12.30pm-3.30pm
- We also offer 30hours Nursery Education for those children that are eligible. You can check if your child is eligible online;www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare
Reading Books
All Reading Books are to be brought in on a Monday and will be sent home on a Tuesday.
Book bags can be purchased from the School Office.
Nursery do P.E sessions on a Tuesday they do not get changed but are expected to wear suitable footwear (trainers)
Take a look at what we will be learning!
Click next to the title to access the resource
Autumn Medium Term Planning MTP Autumn
Autumn LeafletNursery Autumn leaflet
In Nursery your child’s learning will be centred around play; play provides endless opportunities to learn and develop in a fun and meaningful way for your child!
We value your child’s interests and what they enjoy doing at home
Please call in for a Home-Learning story to tell us about their
or print one out Nursery Home Learning Story
Keep up to date with everything on our class twitter page: @Sspp_Nursery
We follow Development Matters. Please look at the stages of development to see what your child should be doing t-m-32936-eyfs-development-matters-statements-divided-into-ages-and-stages_ver_7
At the end of Nursery we expect children to be working at 3-4 year old level