Welcome to Nursery
Mrs Foot(Teacher)
Mrs Radcliffe (TA)
Miss Gordon(T/A)
- Times of Nursery:
- Morning session: 8:30am-11:30 am
- Afternoon session: 12.30pm-3.30pm
- We also offer 30hours Nursery Education for those children that are eligible. You can check if your child is eligible online;www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare
Reading Books
All Reading Books are to be brought in on a Monday and will be sent home on a Tuesday.
Book bags can be purchased from the School Office.
Nursery do P.E sessions on a Wednesday they do not get changed but are expected to wear suitable footwear (trainers)
Take a look at what we will be learning!
Click next to the title to access the resource
Autumn 1 Medium Term Planning MTP Autumn
Autumn Leaflet 1Nursery Autumn leaflet
Autumn 2 Medium Term Planning Aut 2MTP Nursery
Autumn Leaflet 2Nursery Autumn leaflet 2
Spring Medium Term PlanningNursery spring mtp
Spring Leafletspring leaflet
In Nursery your child’s learning will be centred around play; play provides endless opportunities to learn and develop in a fun and meaningful way for your child!
We value your child’s interests and what they enjoy doing at home
Please call in for a Home-Learning story to tell us about their
or print one out Nursery Home Learning Story
Keep up to date with everything on our class twitter page: @Sspp_Nursery
We follow Development Matters. Please look at the stages of development to see what your child should be doing t-m-32936-eyfs-development-matters-statements-divided-into-ages-and-stages_ver_7
At the end of Nursery we expect children to be working at 3-4 year old level